
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Stuffed Bell Pepper Recipe

Wow!  It's been so long since I've posted on this blog.  It's about time!  I made this wonderful recipe this evening for dinner and wanted to share it with you!  I will make a point to blog more of my nutrition tips, ideas, and recipes.  Happy eating (clean)!

Stuffed Bell Peppers

I made 2 different types of stuffed peppers.  

1) Chicken / Avocado Stuffed Peppers

2) Bison / Bacon Stuffed Peppers


Ingredients for 2servings:

2 Peppers
6-8 oz. pulled chicken
6-12 tablespoons or 1 sm avocado (I used 6, but wished I would have used 12)
1 egg
*Salt & Pepper (to taste- optional)
*Paprika (to taste- optional)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cut off tops of bell peppers and remove seeds. 

Whisk egg and avocado together until fluffy with an electric mixer.  

Mix in pulled chicken.  ( I had left over rotisserie chicken that I needed to use up.. it was perfect).
Add Salt, Pepper, and Paprika to taste if desired.  (I like the cayenne pepper, it gives it a little extra flavor).

Stuff mixture into bell pepper.
Bake about 30 minutes or until the egg/avocado seems cooked.  It will be a little moist.  


Ingredients for 2 servings:

2 Peppers
12oz. Ground Bison
4 Strips of bacon
1 Egg

*Salt & Pepper (to taste- optional)
*Paprika (to taste- optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cut the tops off the peppers and remove the seeds.
Cook the bacon and crumble into pieces 
     *(I cooked my bacon in a cast iron skillet- and used the skillet to bake later...bacon grease and all).
Mix the bison, egg, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper and bacon crumbles.  Don't be afraid to use your hands!
If you want to use the excess bacon grease, feel free to roll your peppers around in it or if you prefer to use olive oil, that is a great option as well.  FATS are a must!
Stuff mixture into pepper.

Bake for 45min to a 1 hour.  Time can vary depending on how well you like your meat cooked.  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

DAYS 11-24

All in all, I would call my Advocare 24 Day Challenge a success!  It was exactly what I needed at that time.  It held me be accountable and helped me dial back in on my clean eating.  I could definitely tell a difference in my energy levels, my mood, my work outs, and I felt more comfortable in my clothes and in my own skin.  It was a good feeling and experience all around.  I must admit that I was not as resiliant once Christmas Eve arrived.  I tried to stay the course and to keep it clean(er) and made Christmas paleo sugar cookies.  While they were festive and fun to make, I did not like them at all and eventually made Santa the real deal.  I could definitely tell the difference in my energy and work out the day after  I steered off the course.  This was proof to my experiment that the cleanse works if you follow it.  All in all... I would reccommend this to anyone who wants that extra boost.

Here are my final log entries / notes:


Day 11
Thursday 12/13/2012

*Despite waking up at 5:30am, I am feeling well rested and ready to tackle my day.  I find that I am energized, even with back-to-back appointments.  I am able to work with out getting sleepy, maintain acute focus, and have high energy through out my day.  I am excited to work out!  I like the way I am feeling physically and mentally.  An added bonus is that I don’t feel crazy hungry between snacks or meals.  (It seems like they are arrive just in time.)  

Even though I have not weighed myself yet, (on purpose) I can tell that my waist is slimming down.  I can start to see my abs again and I can see the definition on my arms again as well.  So far so good!  Now that I am seeing results, feeling and performing better, I am motivated even more to continue on and see what else is in store for me.  (By the way, I have a friend who is doing this with me, and we have had very similar experiences).  It’s fun to send each other texts and say, “Hey… are you feeling this____?” or “Are you experiencing that_____?”  Today I got a text that said, “My pants are loose!!!!!” 

I’m usually pretty cynical about products and I am not a pill popper.  I stick to natural herbs, vitamins, and amino acids.  After doing some personal research, I found that the quality of these products are in alignment with what I believe in and would definitely put in my body. 

I was curious to see for myself how this challenge and these products would work for ME, rather than take someone else’s word.  Also, I wouldn’t feel right recommending a product to someone that I have not tried myself.  (Not to mention, I’m selfishly doing this as my own “jump start.”)  So far, I like!  So far, I recommend.

Immediately upon rising on empty stomach:
MNS “before breakfast pack”
*1 mug of hot peppermint tea w/ organic apple cider vinegar

7:00am (20-40min after)
Meal 1:
Meal replacement shake:
Fish Oil

Meal 2:
Protein Shake w/ water

3 catalyst
MNS “before lunch” pack
½ spark

Meal 3:
Spicy Crockpot Chicken Salad W/ Avocado & Jalapenos & Salsa
MNS “with breakfast or lunch packs”
    3 Joint Promotion
     Helps lubricate and protect joints*
    Supports joint health*
    Contributes to mobility and flexibility*
    Aids in relieving occasional pain after exercise*
Contains glucosamine, MSM and other nutrients that support joint health*

Work Out:
“Active Recovery”
Row 30minutes (light and easy)

Meal 4:
4:30pm (Post Work Out)
Protein + coconut water

Meal 5:
2 eggs / 2 bacon
1 c. veggie medley (squash, zucchini, onion, bell pepper)
*cooked in bacon grease
Fish Oil

Day 12
Friday, 12/14/ 2012

*Felt energized all day…that’s cool.  What’s not so cool is still feeling amped when you want to sleep.  I eventually fell asleep, but I slept lightly.  On the bright side I woke up feeling rested.  

Immediately upon rising on empty stomach:
MNS “before breakfast pack”
*1 mug of hot peppermint tea w/ organic apple cider vinegar

8:00am (20-40min after)
Meal 1:
Fish Oil

Meal 2:
Protein Shake w/ water

3 catalyst
MNS “before lunch” pack
½ spark

Meal 3:
3oz chicken and shrimp (ate out)
1c. broccoli
1/2c green beans
MNS “with breakfast or lunch packs”
3 Joint Promotion

Work Out:

Meal 4:
Protein + coconut water

Meal 5:
4oz hamburger water
6 baby carrots

Meal 6:
Whipped Coconut milk mousse

*I felt hungrier than usual today.  I was hungry with in 2 hours of eating lunch.  Also, it was Friday, and I was out and about and had a sweet tooth so I made a coconut milk whipped mousse.

*There is something that is causing bloating and bubbly tummy… I am starting to wonder if coconut water is the culprit… I’m going to cut it out of my diet today to see what happens.

Day 13
Saturday 12/15/ 2012

Immediately upon rising on empty stomach:
MNS “before breakfast pack”
*1 mug of hot peppermint tea w/ organic apple cider vinegar

10:00am (20-40min after)
Meal 1:
Fish Oil

Work Out:
A.  3-3-3-1-1-1
     Squat Snatch (93lbs)
B.   AMRAP in 12 Min:
       15 Deadlifts @ 115 lbs
       15 Deficit Push Ups
       15 Box Jumps on 20” Box
*I went out strong, but after the 3rd round I completely hit a wall.  I had been hungry all day on Friday (cut back on the carbs- tried to follow the “burn” program) but I realized at this moment that the “burn” program will not work for me and my energy needs.  Back to my regular eating style…it works for me.

Meal 2:
Protein Shake w/ coconut water

Meal 3:
3oz spicy chicken
1c. veggie medley
MNS “with breakfast or lunch packs”
3 Joint Promotion

Meal 4:
4oz hamburger taco salad

Day 14
Sunday 12/16/ 2012

Immediately upon rising on empty stomach:
MNS “before breakfast pack”
*1 mug of hot peppermint tea w/ organic apple cider vinegar

8:00am (20-40min after)
Meal 1:
2 slices of bacon
Fish Oil

3 catalyst
MNS “before lunch” pack
½ spark

Meal 2:
2oz chicken breast tender
6 baby carrots and 2 broccoli florets
MNS “with breakfast or lunch packs”
3 Joint Promotion

Work Out:
A.  5 x 2 Squat Clean 115 lbs
B.  5 x 3 Min AMRAP: (w/ the Henry’s- couple work out)
      6 Muscle Snatch 55 lbs
      6 KB Swings 50 lbs
      6 Burpees

Meal 3:
Protein + coconut water

Meal 4:
Pumpkin Muffin

Meal 5:
4oz roast beef
3 tbs avocado

*much better energy.  

Day 15
Monday 12/17/ 2012

Immediately upon rising on empty stomach:
MNS “before breakfast pack”
*1 mug of hot peppermint tea w/ organic apple cider vinegar

8:30am (20-40min after)
Meal 1:
2 eggs
2 slices of bacon
6” banana
1/4c blueberries
1 tsp almond slices
Fish Oil
½ spark

Work Out:
AMRAP in 20Min:
3 DB Thrusters 25 lbs
3 Pull Ups
200m Run
6 DB Thrusters / 6 Pull Ups / 200m Run…
9…12…15                              Total:  Round 21

 Meal 2: (post work out)
Protein + coconut water

3 catalyst
MNS “before lunch” pack

 Meal 3:
2oz chicken breast salad w/ olive oil
MNS “with breakfast or lunch packs”
3 Joint Promotion

Meal 4:
Pumpkin Muffin

Meal 5:
4oz roast beef
3 tbs avocado