From time to time I get asked the question:
"What are some good "paleo" post workout options?"
I got these 2 recipes from my good friend, Karen Pierce's nutrition blog. I can not say that I have tried them yet, but it seems like it would do the trick!
Afternoon Top-Off
The Paleo Diet Cookbook
Trying to keep on top of your glycogen stores for that second workout of the day? Eating real food in place of a prepackaged product will keep you on top of your game. Serves 1.
1 banana
4 egg whties
Ground nutmeg to taste
pinch of salt
Slice banana into 1-inch pieces and combine with egg whtie in a small bowl. Sprinkle with nutmeg and salg. Should be eaten one hour before working out.
Post-Workout Banana-Coconut Whip
The Paleo Diet Cookbook
A great option for a post, short Session workout, this tasty treat is quick and easy to prepare. Enjoy post-workout to restore your potassium levels and refuel your tank. Serves 2.
2 large, very ripe (spotty) bananas
1 scoop egg white protein powder
4 teaspoons natural flaked coconut
Freshly ground nutmeg, to taste
Puree bananas in a food processor until smooth. Add half of the egg white powder and puree, then add the remaining powder. Puree all ingredients until well blended. Top with coconut and nutmeg to taste!